Sunday, August 30, 2009

Living with a boy

I have been well aware that I live with a boy for the entire year+ that I have been living with Sean. Dealing with things such as messiness, filth and...well, "boy" has been manageable.

Tonight was the very first time I wished I didn't live with a boy. I guess this boy specifically. I had a long night, and when I got home I just wanted to make some plain noodles, eat them and go to bed.

For the first time I realized that living with a boy changes things. I started making my noodles, only to be looked over my shoulder by Sean...telling me how long to boil the water, judging me on how many noodles I cooked and finally, what I garnished the noodles with.

I love living with Sean. He usually makes me a better person, but tonight I remembered what it is like to live with people whose judgment doesn't matter. There are good and bad aspects of the situation, but tonight was just a reminder of how it used to feel to get home late and exhausted. I get wrapped up in life as a couple with a back yard and a dog and I forget about "Mali" who is actually a pretty cool chick, even if she likes plain noodles.

I can't forget about "Mali."

1 comment:

bella1021 said...

:( bummer about the noodles.. did you punch him and tell him to get out!

I have a hard time watching Nick cook-- he does some weird things... and it is hard not to jump in.. it's been 3 years now.. and let me tell you I cook a hell of a lot more than I used to! hahaa

yes you can't forget about your cool chick self ;)